Skate Town

We welcome you to come to skate town, a clean safe place to bring your family. Have a private party for your little one, or just come on Thursday nights (family night Christian music). Friday and Saturday nights are regular nights. We welcome church groups, and school functions.
Photo Gallery
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Hidden Treasure

Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30
Fridays 7:00 to 11:00
Saturdays Closed until august 17th.
We want to thank you for all your support at the rink. Our new thing going on is our SKATER OF THE MONTH. Having good behavior does get you somewhere these days. Our first Skater of the month is Katelyn Smith. Katelyn won, 2 free skate passes a skate town t-shirt, her name up on our light up board, and her picture on here and in the newspaper. Be watching for next months Skater.
Everyone have a great Summer and be safe.